
I spent alot of time on the computer as a child and listened to a ton of pop music that was on the charts at the time. Sometimes before Mass I would listen to The American Top-40 Countdown on radio and was very mystified with the way songs seemed to come out of nowhere and either climb up the charts or fall the wayside. My developing brain likely could have done without some of the lyrical content of the time but that is an essay for another day. (Today I get to work with artists professionally on the management/label side through my internship and it’s what I hope to do after University, so if you have any connections there email me!) I also really enjoyed the occasional Beach Boys single and a little bit of what alternative stuff i could find on my dad's iPod Classic things like Sleigh Bells or M.I.A. and tons of the Ting Tings. They were my first favorite band actually.

I always seemed to be coming up with songs in my head but didn't have the vocabulary or the musicianship or technical training yet to put it to paper so the ideas would leave me as quickly as they came. Very Sad! I was given a Roland XP-10 Synthesizer for Christmas in the second grade. It's what I used to learn piano and is still featured on nearly every song I create today which I feel is really special. My first DAW was Sony Acid 11, i don't think they make it any more but anyways i've been using Logic ever since I saved up to buy my first MacBook when I was like 15.

I create pop music that careens between the extremes of Hi-Fi and Lo-Fi Production techniques. Some days I try and push the limits of software synthesis and vocal production to try and evoke emotions not typically associated with "computer music" whereas other days im singing through my macbook microphone and playing chords on a toy synthesizer from the 80s.

My primary influences today include Beach House, Early Best Coast, Chet Baker, AG Cook, and Alvvays.


I also try and write non-music every now and then either through casual journaling or essay writing. Hopefully I'll share some of that on here.

click around and see what i'm up to


Why live in a world of Link Trees when you could just spent hours building and maintaining a neocities page in HTML? If looking to stream my music check the header.

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Words and Music © Colin Kennedy
design by almost sweet